Conquer English

Dear Mr.....

Şöyle bir durum hayal edelim :

"John , a male exchange university student is going to stay with Hakan in İstanbul. But Hakan doesn't know anything about John. So he wants John to write an email about him."

E-mail'deki konu sıralaması öğrenciye göre değişebilir ancak aşağıdaki sıralama tavsiye edilebilir ;

1 thanks

2 himself

3 hobbies

4 family

5 feeling about the exchange


Ayrıca e-mail'lere her zaman " dear " ile başlamak zorunlu değildir. Eğer ilk defa yazıyorsanız belki bu tercih edilebilir.

Hakan'ın sorabileceğini tahmin ettiğimiz sorular ;

1 What' your name ?

2 Where do you come from ?

3 How old are you ?

4 What are your hobbies / What do you like to do in your free times ?

5 Talk a little bit about your family.


Sample letter ;

Dear Hakan

Thanks for being my " host " in Istanbul. I am longing to stay with you !

Let me write about me a little bit. My name is John and I'm 19 years old. I come from Paris, which is the capital of France, as you know. I am studying chemistry at the university. I can admit it is a hard work but I enjoy it.

I enjoy going to the cafe and then going for " playstation " with my friends at the university. I also enjoy going to the concerts of new bands here.

About my family ! Yes. I have one brother called Jose. He is younger than me. He is at secondary school here and he doesn't like going to the school. I get on well with him. He is OK. My parents work both as lawyer in Paris.

I am very much excited to visit Istanbul. I hope I will meet new people and new places there.

Best regards

John Carry



Aşağıdaki ifadeleri de kullanabiliriz ;

I like to go bowling, swimming / to play football, basketball, computer games,

I enjoy going / read magazine / surf the net / listen to folk, rock, classical pop, jazz music.


ISEP ( International Student Exchange Programme ) FORM

Family name : ...................................................

First name : .......................................................

Address : ..........................................................

Nationality : ......................................................

Date of birth : ...................................................

Tel : ...................................................................

Languages : .....................................................

Email : ...............................................................

About Family : ...................................................

School / college : ...............................................

Hobbies / dislikes : ............................................

Signature : ..........................................................                    Date : ..................................