Conquer English

Congratulations! / Tebrikler

Congratulations / Tebrikler

In English , there are many ways to say good things to your beloved people.

Do you send a card on these occasions or send a mail ?

    I sometimes send card on birthdays and anniversaries.

Ways to say that you want good things to happen

    ( İyi şeyler olmasını dileme, isteme yolları )


I hope / Umarım, ümit ederim.

( I )Hope you  have a good day

Hope you pass your test.

Hope you feel better.

I hope you have a wonderful Wedding Day


Best Wishes / İyi dilekler dileme

Best wishes for your tests

Best wishes on your 20th birthday.

Best wishes in your new business.


Wishing you / Dileme

Wishing you a happy anniversary / mutlu yıldönümü dileme

Wishing  you a recovery from illness. / hastalıktan dolayı iyileşme dileme

Wishing you a successful driving test.


Good luck / iyi şans

Good luck with your tests.

Good luck in your new flat.

Good luck with your driving test.


Happy / Mutlu...

Happy Birthday !

Happy start !

Happy Charity day !

Happy Anniversary !


Congratulations on ! / Tebrikler

Congratulations on Wedding Day ! ( Düğün için tebrik )

---- getting your new profession.

---- your new home.


Bazı Kart Örnekleri :


I hope you feel better soon Cristina.

Lots of love



Good luck in your new home

Best wishes


Congratulations on Eid Days !

Happy Eid / Mutlu Bayramlar

In my country, eids are special days.People, especially young boys and girls dress up in colourful costumes and clothes. Women clean their houses in advance to welcome their guests and they cook their best meal such as " kavurma, tava, ", and sometimes kebap in the second eid of year.( Kurban - Eid al-Adha ).