Conquer English
 Projects in English

Project 1

Sports Personality / Sporcu Kişiliği

Make a presentation about a well- known sports person.

Tanınmış bir sporcu hakkında bir sunum hazırlama.

1 Think of / Düşünün

Think of a sportsperson you would like to find out.

a. Think of a sports activity / event you saw on TV or read about.

Seyrettiğiniz ya da hakkında yazı okuduğunuz bir spor olayı.

b. Think of a person in one of these events ( olay ) who impressed you a lot.

Sizi etkileyen kişiyi düşünün.

c. Think why this person impressed you a lot.

Sizi neden çok etkilediğini düşünün.

2 Brainstorm / Beyincimnastiği / fırtınası yapın

a. Work in groups. Brainstorm the ideas to decide who you will choose.

Kimi seçeceğiniz hakkında, karar vermek için grup halinde çalışın.

b. Use Internet or look up information in magazines or books, in library or at home to find out as much as possible about the person. 

Araştırdığınız kişi hakkında kitaplardan, magazinlerden, kitaplardan, internetten, evde yada kütüphanede toplayabildiğiniz kadar bilgi toplayın.

3 Research / Araştırma

Questions about him / her :

1 When was he / she born ?

2 What can you tell about her / his childhood ?

3 What sport does he / she do ?

4 What was her / his biggest success ?

5 Why is he / she so successful ?

6 What kind of person is he / she ?

4 Presentation

Put together all the information you have in your group.Decide how you organise.

Grubunuzda bütün bilgileri toplayın. Nasıl organize edeceğinize karar verin.

a. Start a picture uncovered.  Ask the class to guess who your presentation will be about.

Üzeri kapatılmış resimle başlayın. Sunumunuzun kim hakkında olacağını tahmin ettirin.

b. Let them present the facts about the person.

Sporcu hakkında bilgiler verdirin.

c. Finish the presentation. Now take it turns saying what they admire about him / her.

Sunumu bitirin ve sırayla o kişi hakkında konuşturun.


Project 2

Life in the Future / Gelecekteki Hayat

Work in groups of four or five. Decide on a topic ;

Konu üzerinde karara varın.

  • food
  • homes
  • schools
  • clothes
  • town and cities
  • weather
  • transportation
  • communication
  • inventions
  • clothes


a. Decide how far into the future you would like to look : 2020-2030-2040-2050

Hangi yıllar üzerinde çalışacağınıza karar verin.

b. How will the life be in the year you choose ?

Seçeceğiniz yılda hayat nasıl olacak ? About food ?

  • Will people eat more take-away food ?
  • Will people eat healthy food ?
  • Will it be more expensive ?
  • Where will food come from ?
  • Will there be enough food for everybody ?

Make the poster / Poster yapma

You can find photos from science fiction films in magazines or on the internet,  or you can draw your own picture.

Belirtilen kaynaklardan resim bulalım ya da çizelim.

c.  Write a text. For example ;

Örnek bir yazı başlangıcı

In the year 2040, people will live in houses on the surface of Mars.

d.  At the top of your project paper, write the title of presentation ; / Proje kağıdının üst kısmına;

Homes in the year 2040

e.  at the bottom, write a longer text :

There will be different kinds of homes from the houses we live in now. There will also be houses on the moon and on other planets. People will live much longer. An old person will be 800 or 900 years old. Some people will only work for three or four hours a day.