İngilizcede aşağıdaki son ekleri ekleyerek isim ve fiilden sıfat yapabiliriz.
- ous , - al , - ly, - able, -y, -ing, - ed, - ful, - less, -ive , -ic
Nouns ( isimler ) Adjective( Sıfat )
crowd ( yığın, kalabalık ) |
crowded ( kalabalık ) |
comfort ( konfor,rahatlık ) |
comfortable ( konforlu ) |
colour ( renk ) |
colourful ( renkli ) |
nerve ( sinir ) |
nervous ( sinirli ) |
friend ( arkadaş ) |
friendly ( dost canlısı ) |
dust ( toz, kir ) |
dusty ( tozlu ) |
memory ( hatıra,anı ) |
memorable ( unutulmaz ) |
hunger ( açlık ) |
hungry ( aç ) |
optimism ( iyimserlik ) |
optimistic ( iyimser ) |
help ( yardım ) |
helpful ( y.sever ) |
noise ( gürültü ) |
noisy ( gürültülü ) |
thought ( düşünce ) |
thoughtful ( düşünceli ) |
danger ( tehlike ) |
dangerous ( tehlikeli ) |
care ( bakım,özen,dikkat) |
careful ( dikkatli ) |
disappoint ( hayal kırıklığı ) |
disappointed ( h.kırıklığına uğramış ) |
Yukarıdaki son ekleri kullanarak aşağıdaki kelimeleri siz sıfat yapınız ?
dirt =
accept =
base =
week =
use =
eat =
educate =
enjoy =
nature =
miracle =
mass =
emotion =
luxury =
risk =
relax =
Answer Key = relaxing - risky - luxurious - emotional / emotive - massive - miraculous - natural - enjoyable - educational / educated / uneducated - drinkable - eatable (eadible) - useful - useless - weekly - basic - acceptable / accepted - dirty
Test : ( Son ekleri kullanarak sıfat yapınız )
Use the words below;
noise - relax - nature - hunger - crowd
1 I can not imagine a more ------------------- way to spend one's semester holiday this year.
2 I went down for lunch feeling --------------- .
3 I have rented a summer cottage near a ---------------------- hill landscape.
4 The traffic in İzmir after 5 is so ----------------------- that we always reach our houses very late.
5 Today my class was so ----------------- that I had to warn all of my pupils.
Answer Key :
1. relaxing 2. hungry 3. natural 4. crowded 5. noisy