Conquer English

He works as a nurse / My friend looks like his brother

As, like

İki kelime de birbirine anlam olarak yakındır. Ancak bazı farklılıklarla ;

To say someone or something has that function :

As / olarak, olduğu gibi

She works as a nurse. / ....hemşire olarak

She still  writes letters as a way of keeping in touch with her friends. / ...yöntemi olarak

She gave me some advice as a friend. / .... arkadaş olarak

As / gibi

As I predicted / tahmin ettiğim gibi

As far as / ....kadarıyla

As far as I know, she will be the one who is going to take the Spanish course. / ....bildiğim kadarıyla...

As far as I remember, Cüneyt Arkın starred in more than 100 films in his early ages./ ....hatırladığım kadarıyla

As far as I am concerned / ...bana göre, düşünceme göre

I don't mind how much you study for your lessons. As far as I am concerned you will have difficulties to pass the final test.

As far as I can see / .. görebildiğim kadarıyla

As far as I can see, our team will not be playing in Europe 2012 championship.

As / because / çünkü

As my parents are out, I will have to prepare dinner myself.

As .. as / Karşılaştırma / .kadar

He is as clever as his brother. Kardeşi kadar zeki.

Such as / örnek

This winter I went to many places in Europe such as Paris, Rome, Madrid./ ....gibi yerlere


Like /  benzer

My best friend really looks like a famous film star Mel Gibson /  'a benziyor.

Like / gibi ( örnek )

This summer I took many courses like chess, karate, swimming. / ..gibi kurslar aldım


Look ,seem, appear

Look / görünmek,

He looks very tired.

Seem / gibi görünmek

He seems really intelligent.

Appear / anlaşılmak, görünmek, 

I appeared really tired.


Bu fiiller " as if ..mış gibi " kalıbı ile de kullanılabilirler :

He looks as if he has understood. / Anlamış gibi duruyor / görünüyor.( sanki )

It seems as if engine needs maintaining. / Motor, bakıma ihtiyacı var gibi görünüyor. ( Sanki )


Look at the phrases in bold below.


1 Sharen has got two jobs : She is a swimming teacher and class teacher in a state school. As a teacher she is very tactful but as a swimming teacher she is so strict.

2 John is a shop owner. He wanted to be a teacher before but he couldn't. Now he behaves to his workers like a teacher.

Bu tümcelerde as ve like  kullanımlarına ve anlamlarına iki örnek verdik. 1.bölümde as a teacher ifadesi ile " öğretmen olarak, 2.bölümde ise like a teacher ifadesi ile " öğretmen gibi davranıyor " anlamında kullanıldı.

3 She has a part-time job as a waitress in a restaurant at the weekend . ( garson olarak )