Bu yazımızda dünyada kullanılan yaygın kısaltmaları göreceğiz.
BBC / British Broadcasting Corporation
APB / All Points Bulletin ( for missing people / Kayıp insanlar için )
BC / Before Christ ( Milat / İsa'dan Önce )
BC / British Council ( İngiliz Kültür Derneği )
A.M / Ante Meridiem before noon ( Öğleden önceki zaman dilimi )
BS / Bachelor of Science ( Fen Mezunu )
C / Centigrate ( 100 / Roman Number)
CENTO / Central Treaty Organisation
CIA / Central Intelligence Agency (Merkezi İstihbarat Teşkilatı )
CONS / Conservative Party ( Muhafazakar Parti )
Co-op / Co-operative
DM / Deactschmark
DNA / deoxyribose nucleic acid
Dol / Dollar
Doz / Dozen
DSc / Doctor of Science
EU / European Union
eta / Estimated Time of Arrival ( Tahmini varış vakti )
F / Fahrenheit
FA / Football Associaiton
FAO / Food and Agriculture Organisaiton
FBI / Federal Bureau of Investigaiton ( US )
fem / Female ( bayan )
FM / Frequency Modulation
Fob / Free on Board
Fr / Father , French, France
Fri / Friday
Fwd / Forward
GB / Great Britain
GM / General Manager
GMT / Greenwich Mean Time
gov / government
grad / graduate
H-bomb / Hydrogen Bomb
HE / High Excellenccy, high explosive
HF / High Frequency
hosp / Hospital
HP / Hire Purchase , Horse Power
HQ / Head Quarters
hr / Hour
IMF / International Monetary Fund ( Uluslararası Para Fonu )
Inc / Incorporated ( anonim , tüzel, birlişmiş )
info / information
IQ / Intelligence Quotient
IRA / Irish Republican Army
Ire / Ireland
Is / Islands
JC / Jesus Christ
Jnr / Junior
JP / Justice of the Peace
KGB / Intelligence Agency of the USSR
kph / kilometres per hour
Ld / lord
LLB / Bachelors of Laws
Ltd / Limited
MA / Masters of Art
math / ( US ) mathematics
MB / Bachelor of Medicine
Med / Mediterrenean ( Akdeniz )
M15 / Natiaonal Security Divison of Military Intelligence ( GB )
MO / Mail order , Money Order
MP / Member of Parliament ( House of Commons )
Mt / Mount
NAAFI / ( GB ) Navy, Army and Air Force Instıtute
NATO / North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NHS / National Health Service
NY / New York
NZ / New Zeland
PC / Police Constable ( Polis Memuru ) , Peace Corps ( Barış Gücü )
PE / Physical Education
PhD / Doctor of Philosophy
PM / Pirme Minister ( başbakan )
pm / Psot Meridiem after noon ( 3. p.m )
PO / Personal Officer , Post Office
POE / Port of Entry
PPS / post postscriptum additional post / ek bilgi
PR / Public Relations ( Halkla İlişkiler )
PS / Post Script
PST / Pasific Standard Time ( US )
PX / post exchange
RAM / Royal Academy of Music
RC / Red Cross
rec / received
RM / Royal Marines
RN / Royal Navy
SF / Science Fiction
Sol / Solicitor ( Avukat , hukuk görevlisi )
Tech / Technical
temp / temperature
TU / Trade Union
UFO / Unidentified Flying Object ( tanımlanamayan Uçan Nesneler )
UK / United Kingdom ( Birleşik Krallık )
UNESCO / United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organisation ( Birleşik Devletler Eğitim , Bilim ve Kültürel Organizasyonu )
UNICEF / United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund ( Birlişmiş Milletler Uluslararası Acil Çocuk Fonu )
Uni / University
US / United States ( USA - of America )
VC / Vice Chairman ( başkan Yard ), Vice Chancellor ,Vice Consul ( Konsolos Yardm. ), Victoria Cross ( İngiliz Askeri Nişanı )
VE Day / Victory in Europe( 1945 )
VHF / Very High Frequency
VIP / Very Important Person
VP / Vice - President ( başkan Yardm. )
wc / water closet
WHO / World Health Organisation ( Dünya Sağlık Örgütü )
Xmas / Christmas